Just seen this
Many of the ACLU's cases involved the defense of Communist Party members and Jehovah's Witnesses.
wt says jesus became invisibly present in 1914. what a load of old rubbish.
but they are not the only ones.. in 1927 a woman called helen keller wrote a book called my religion.
her book advocates the teachings of emanuel swedenborg who claimed that jesus had already returned.
Just seen this
Many of the ACLU's cases involved the defense of Communist Party members and Jehovah's Witnesses.
wt says jesus became invisibly present in 1914. what a load of old rubbish.
but they are not the only ones.. in 1927 a woman called helen keller wrote a book called my religion.
her book advocates the teachings of emanuel swedenborg who claimed that jesus had already returned.
Hi Phizzy
Alex I of Russia was a Swedenborgist and some of Abraham Lincoln's friends were Swedenborgist. I think there was a Swedenborg church in the area where C T Russell lived. No idea if he ever visited it.
It is the system or organization of the Watchtower which facilitates brutality. That system is founded upon a lie, so freedom of conscience is one of the first things out of the window along with loving kindness, tenderness, mercy - etc. And in comes a dizzying intoxication of scheduled activity. The faster you go on their hamster wheel, the less you feel, so you can hurt yourself and hurt others too, all the while thinking you are SO virtuous.
(Matthew 7:15-20) . . .“Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; 18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those [men]. . .
wt says jesus became invisibly present in 1914. what a load of old rubbish.
but they are not the only ones.. in 1927 a woman called helen keller wrote a book called my religion.
her book advocates the teachings of emanuel swedenborg who claimed that jesus had already returned.
WT says Jesus became invisibly present in 1914. What a load of old rubbish. But they are not the only ones.
In 1927 a woman called Helen Keller wrote a book called My Religion. Her book advocates the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg who claimed that Jesus had already returned. Adherents used several names to describe themselves including Second Advent Christian, Swedenborgian and New Church.
The reason I have posted this is because Helen Keller was also involved in setting up the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). That organization, along with others has approached the UN to consider action against the USA for police brutality.
Brutality can be physical. But if you have suffered at the hands of elders, wouldn't you describe elders as brutal? I think of their cold heartlessness which is capable of smashing tender feelings, crushing justice, destroying friendships and lying.
Through WT, the lie about 1914 enabled a power structure to be established that would be brutal. It can crush your conscience and destroy your liberty, if you let it. It's power isn't weapons like guns, it's power is lies, superstition and media spin.
do you think it’s a good idea?.
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Supremacism is the supremacy of one particular group.
Parents are supreme over the life of their unborn child. Hope none of the rioters support abortion.
How's this for a slogan :-
Millions Once Living Will Never Be Born - All Lives Matter.
The Mosaic Law has been done away with and grace through Jesus Christ is available but for the record, the Ultimate Supreme One has not granted the right to take the life of an unborn baby of any colour to anyone:-
(Exodus 21:22-25) . . .If
people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely
but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s
husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are
to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for
foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
do you think it’s a good idea?.
When there is no decent security tourism goes down. So that effects the economy.
In such a situation, I imagine the roads and hospitals wont get maintained, sanitation will be poor and maybe the infection rate for corona virus will go up.
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
Phobia is fear
Eugenics is eugenics.
i agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
A German lady suffered at the hands of Germans. The Germans had killed her German family members. She couldn't stand Germans.
She wasn't racist. She was eugenophobic and had good reason to be.
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
And the woman wears a head covering. In paradise.
Not that it means that much. They used to have a lion in paradise with a beach ball on its paws. Where was it going to get the beach ball from?